So we may be 8 days into February but that doesn't discourage me from finally returning to blogosphere with my January Favorites post. I sadly had to take some time off from blogging due to personal reasons. I am planning to resume regular blogging as of today. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for continuing to follow my blog through my hiatus as well as your messages, emails and comments on Instagram.
Evet Subat'in 8'i olabilir ama bu beni blogosfere Ocak favorilerimle geri donmekten caydirmadi. Kisisel nedenlerden dolayi verdigim upuzun bir aradan sonra blog hasretine dayanmayip geri dondum. Blogumu yoklugumda da takip eden herkese cok tesekkur ederim.

Recently purchased MAC Whisper of Gilt Extra Dimension Skinfinish and MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Gold Deposit were reached for quite a bit. Whisper of Gilt is one of the most beautiful and flattering highlighters I have ever used. Hello glowy cheekbones! I mostly wear Gold Deposit as a blush or lightly dust a bit of it on top a blush that's in the same color family. NARS Lovejoy, nothing new there. It's one of my most loved blushes during fall and winter. I have finally got around to using the Tarte Maracuja Miracle Foundation last month. It's a great full-coverage foundation that I find to be lasting throughout the entire day without making my face look oily. I would have loved it even more if its consistency wasn't as thick, which makes blending a little troublesome.
Koleksiyonumun en yeni iki uyesi Ocak ayinda hemen favorilerim arasinda girmeyi basardilar. Tabii ki MAC'in Whisper of Guilt Extra Dimension Skinfinish'i veee yine MAC'in Gold Deposit Mineralize Skinfinish'den bahsediyorum. Whisper of Guilt hic abartisiz hayatimda denedigim en guzel aydinlaticilardan biri. Gold Deposit'i genelde allik olarak kullaniyorum ya da benzer renkteki alliklarini ustune uyguluyorum. NARS Lovejoy, sonbahar ve kis aylarinin benim icin vazgecilmez alliklari arasinda. Sonunda Ocak ayinda Tarte'in Maracuja Miracle fondotenini kullanmaya basladim. Yuksek kapatici ozelligi olan, uygulandiktan birkac saat sonra yuzumu hemen yaglandirmayan, gun boyunca yuzumde kaliciligini koruyabilen bir fondoten. Yapisi biraz daha ince olup, dagitmayi kolaylastirsaydi dahada cok severdim.

Top 3 single eye shadows I have reached for the most were Le Metier de
Beaute Corinthian, Chanel Vert Khaki and Golden Retriever by Prestige.
Corinthian is a stunning taupe that should be in every taupe lover's
collection! Vert Khaki is a olive green khaki and great for those who want to wear color during the day. Golden Retriever just may be the most pigmented gold
I have ever seen. Using it over a gold base makes it pop even more!
En cok kullandigim 3 tekli farlar arasinda Le Metier de Beaute Corinthian, Chanel Vert Khaki ve de Prestige Golden Retriever vardi. Corinthian tum 'taupe' severlerin koleksiyonunda olmasi gereken bir renk. Vert Khaki piriltili, zeytin yesili. Golden Retriever'da bildigimiz altin rengi, sanirim pigmentasyonu bu kadar ileri derecede olan baska bir altin rengi far hayatimda gormedim.

Moving on to pots, of course! These little pots have become such must-haves for me. This month I have frequented the beautiful #28 (bronze gold with specks of purple) by Armani and Maybelline Color Tattoo in Bad to the Bronze (bronze/taupe) which is my absolute favorite of all the Color Tattoo shades. Lastly, I have showed love to the Walking on Eggshells trio by Wet n Wild. Its 3 shades are just so convenient for a no-fuss everyday eye makeup.
Gelelim potlara. Bu minik potlar olmazsa olmazlarim haline geldiler. Ocak ayinda en cok kullanilanlar arasinda Armani'nin 28 numarasi ve Maybelline Color Tattoo Bad to the Bronze vardi. Ayrica Wet n Wild'in bayilarak aldigim ve kullandigim Walking on Eggshells uclusude epey kullanildi bu ay.

I used the heck out of my recenly acquired YSL Rouge Volupte #1 aka Beige Charnel. I was hesitant about this beaute at first because nudes and beiges just wash me out and make me look and feel like a ghost. But it's not the case with this one, at all. I am happy to finally find nudes like this that I can wear without fear. I have also been abusing my Wet n Wild 903C quite a bit. I think I am ready for summer! Lastly, and this is no news, I have Clarins Natural Lip Perfector 02. I wear to add a little shine to bare lips. It also looks beautiful over nude lipsticks.
Yeni edindigim YSL Rouge Volupte #1 yani Beige Charnel'i deliler gibi kullandim, bayiliyorum bu renge! Aslinda bu rengi almak, bejler ve nudelar beni hayalet hatta olu gibi gosterdikleri icin bu rengi alip almamakta epeyce bir bocaladim. Sonunda rahatca ve gercekten severek kullandigim pembe bir nude! Karli kapali havalarda hayatima biraz renk katsin diye Wet n Wild'in 903C isimli mercan rengi sirin mi sirin rujuda sikca kullanildi. En son olarakta Clarins'in 2 numarali Natural Lip Perfector'i benden nasibini aldi. Ruj kullanmak istemedigim gunlerde dudaklarimda biraz parlaklik olsun diye kullaniyorum. Nude rujlarin uzerinde durusunada bayiliyorum!
And then I have some miscellaneous items. I have recently finished a bottle of Seche Vite and decided that I will never purchase it again. I don't need to spend that much money on a top coat that causes my freshly painted nails to chip and peel in matter of minutes. Then I found out about this Out the Door top coat thanks to YouTube. Now, this is more up my alley! It adds a beautiful long-lasting shine to my nails without causing chipping or peeling.
Ve sirada yukaridaki kategorilerin hicbirine sigdiramadigim urunler var. Kisa bir sure once bitirdigim Seche Vite top coatu bir daha almamaya karar verdim. O kadar para verip, surdukten birkac dakika sonra ojemin soyulmasina tahammul edemiyorum artik. Sonra YouTube'da gezinirken bir videoda Out the Door isimli top coatu goren ben kendimi hemen sokaga attim. Iste budur arkadaslar! Seche Vite gibi parlatiyor ama onun tam aksine o kadar zahmet edip surulen ojeyi soymuyor hih!
Back in December I've been on a week long cruise to the Caribbean and prior to my trip I knew I wanted to get a mist of some sort to keep my hair hydrated, especially considering I'd be in the sea and under the sun all day for a week. While wandering around at Ulta, this Coconut Oil hydrating mist by Organix caught my eye. Because I didn't have a good experience with Organix hair products before, I was skeptical about this mist. A spritz later, I was sold :) It smells like a tropical vacation! Luckily it turned out to be a good spray. I sprayed it not only after towel drying my clean hair (like the back of the bottle suggests) but also randomly on the beach to keep it hydrated. Lastly a hand cream by L'occitane, Dry Skin Hand Cream. It's a great little hand cream that moisturizes chapped, dry, dehydrated hands pretty good. It has a much thicker consistency than my favorite L'occitane hand cream which is Pivoine Flora, which I can't complain about because it's exactly what I need for the dry, freezing Chicago winters.
Aralik'ta ciktigim Karayip seyahatinden once tatildeyken gunesti, denizdi derken saclarimin husrana ugramamasi icin sacimi nemledirecek bir sprey arayisi icine girdim. Daha once Organix sampuan ve nemlendiricilerden hic memnun kalmamis olsamda bu Hindistan Cevizi yagi spreylerini denemeye karar verdim. Koku hassasiyetim oldugu icin soyle biraz puskurttum ve kendimi kasada buldum. Hindistan Cevizi sevenlere duyurulur! Saclarimin kurumamasina ve kiriklarimin artmamasina buyuk katkisi oldugunu dusunuyorum. En son urunum ise L'occitane'in Kuru Cilt El Kremi. Benim favorim olan Pivoine Flora'dan cok daha agir bir yapiya sahip ama Chicago'nun keskin, buz gibi kislari icin birebir.