The time has come for me to travel to faraway lands again. I vow to travel light this time. To do that I went ahead and purchased the Muji travel cosmetics bag that I have seen on the lovely Lil Lady's Life blog last year.
Uzak diyarlara gitme zamanim yine geldi. Bu sefer valizimi ivir zivirla doldurmamaya and ictim. Onun icinde gecen sene Lil Lady's Life blogunda gordugum Muji seyahat kozmetik cantasini satin aldim.
Uzak diyarlara gitme zamanim yine geldi. Bu sefer valizimi ivir zivirla doldurmamaya and ictim. Onun icinde gecen sene Lil Lady's Life blogunda gordugum Muji seyahat kozmetik cantasini satin aldim.
This structured bag is generous in size and will still fit more products than necessary. But it is much smaller compared to bags I have used in the past. I prefer to bring my makeup bag on board with me to avoid anything happening to my makeup. (We all know how airport people throw suitcases, I just couldn't...) And this Muji bag leaves enough space in my must-have-travel-bag Longchamp Le Pliage for other essentials.
Bu yapili cantacik onceki senelerde kullandigim cantalardan daha kucuk ama yinede yeri bol. Ben makyaj malzemelerini ucagin icine getirenlerdenim. Hepimiz biliyoruz havaalani calisanlarinin valizlerimizi nasil firlattiklarini. Onlara birsey olacagina, biraz omuz agrisi cekerim diye dusunuyorum. Ayrica bu Muji cantasi seyahat ederken olmazsa olmazim Longchamp Le Pliage cantamin icinde diger gerekli seyahat seyleri icin bayagi bir yer birakiyor.
Foundation: Since I will become tanner, I am taking a foundation that I have used on my darker days and know how it works in warm weather. And that is Bourjois Healthy Mix in #55. The fact that it has a light texture makes it perfect for this trip. I am also taking my Garnier BB cream because it's very moisturizing and my skin sometimes dries while trying to adjust to a new climate.
Fondoten: Bronzlasacagim icin yanima normal ten rengimden daha koyu bir fondoten aliyorum. O da Bourjois Healthy Mix #55. Yapisi hafif oldugu icin sicak havalar icin ideal. Ayrica son zamanlarda cok severek kullandigim Garnier BB kremimde benimle geliyor. Bazen cildim iklim farkina hemen ayak uyduramiyor ve kuruyabiliyor bu BB kremin nemlendirici ozelligi oldugu icin uygun oldugunu dusundum.
Powder: I've been so happy with my Burberry Sheer Foundation so I thought why not bring it along. It does come in bulky packaging but since I have compromised in other areas I don't feel so bad carrying it.
Pudra: Burberry Sheer Foundation pudramdan cok memnunum. Evet kutusu biraz iri ve fazla yer tutacak ama diger alanlarda odun verdigim icin geliyor benimle.
Bronzer: One of my all time favorites, Too Faced Chocolate Soleil. I have been wanting to at least hit pan on it because I had it for way too long. Hopefully using only this bronzer will make a small dent in it while I'm away.
Bronzlastirici: Tum zamanlarin en sevdigim bronzlastiricisi Too Faced Chocolate Soleil. O kadar uzun zaman once aldim ki, en azindan birazda olsa dibini gormek istedigim icin benimle gelecek olan tek bronzer.
Blush: I am only taking 2 blushes, one peach & one pink - MAC Peaches & Benefit Bella Bamba.
Allik: 1 pembe, 1 seftali yeter diye dusunup sadece 2 allik aliyorum, onlarda MAC Peaches ve Benefit Bella Bamba.
Highlighter: of choice is none other than Dior Amber Diamond. 2 reasons for that, yes it's my favorite highlighter ever but also it doubles up as a mirror which for me is a must-have.
Aydinlatici: Vazgecilmezim Dior Amber Diamond. Hem kompakt hemde aynali olusu kendisini seyahat icin uygun kiliyor. Her cantaya bir ayna lazim sonucta!
Concealer: I chose MAC studio finish concealer for spots that may be randomly appearing on my face.
Kapatici: Olurda yuzumde aniden sivilce ya da baska bir saheser cikarsa diye yanima MAC studio finish kapaticimida aliyorum.
Bu yapili cantacik onceki senelerde kullandigim cantalardan daha kucuk ama yinede yeri bol. Ben makyaj malzemelerini ucagin icine getirenlerdenim. Hepimiz biliyoruz havaalani calisanlarinin valizlerimizi nasil firlattiklarini. Onlara birsey olacagina, biraz omuz agrisi cekerim diye dusunuyorum. Ayrica bu Muji cantasi seyahat ederken olmazsa olmazim Longchamp Le Pliage cantamin icinde diger gerekli seyahat seyleri icin bayagi bir yer birakiyor.

Foundation: Since I will become tanner, I am taking a foundation that I have used on my darker days and know how it works in warm weather. And that is Bourjois Healthy Mix in #55. The fact that it has a light texture makes it perfect for this trip. I am also taking my Garnier BB cream because it's very moisturizing and my skin sometimes dries while trying to adjust to a new climate.
Fondoten: Bronzlasacagim icin yanima normal ten rengimden daha koyu bir fondoten aliyorum. O da Bourjois Healthy Mix #55. Yapisi hafif oldugu icin sicak havalar icin ideal. Ayrica son zamanlarda cok severek kullandigim Garnier BB kremimde benimle geliyor. Bazen cildim iklim farkina hemen ayak uyduramiyor ve kuruyabiliyor bu BB kremin nemlendirici ozelligi oldugu icin uygun oldugunu dusundum.
Powder: I've been so happy with my Burberry Sheer Foundation so I thought why not bring it along. It does come in bulky packaging but since I have compromised in other areas I don't feel so bad carrying it.
Pudra: Burberry Sheer Foundation pudramdan cok memnunum. Evet kutusu biraz iri ve fazla yer tutacak ama diger alanlarda odun verdigim icin geliyor benimle.
Bronzer: One of my all time favorites, Too Faced Chocolate Soleil. I have been wanting to at least hit pan on it because I had it for way too long. Hopefully using only this bronzer will make a small dent in it while I'm away.
Bronzlastirici: Tum zamanlarin en sevdigim bronzlastiricisi Too Faced Chocolate Soleil. O kadar uzun zaman once aldim ki, en azindan birazda olsa dibini gormek istedigim icin benimle gelecek olan tek bronzer.
Blush: I am only taking 2 blushes, one peach & one pink - MAC Peaches & Benefit Bella Bamba.
Allik: 1 pembe, 1 seftali yeter diye dusunup sadece 2 allik aliyorum, onlarda MAC Peaches ve Benefit Bella Bamba.
Highlighter: of choice is none other than Dior Amber Diamond. 2 reasons for that, yes it's my favorite highlighter ever but also it doubles up as a mirror which for me is a must-have.
Aydinlatici: Vazgecilmezim Dior Amber Diamond. Hem kompakt hemde aynali olusu kendisini seyahat icin uygun kiliyor. Her cantaya bir ayna lazim sonucta!
Concealer: I chose MAC studio finish concealer for spots that may be randomly appearing on my face.
Kapatici: Olurda yuzumde aniden sivilce ya da baska bir saheser cikarsa diye yanima MAC studio finish kapaticimida aliyorum.
I purchased a small Z palette which fits 9 MAC eyeshadows or 5 MAC eyeshadows and a MAC blush. I think the latter just makes perfect sense!
Icine 9 MAC far ya da 5 far + 1 allik sigabilen kucuk Z paletlerden edindim birde.
Icine 9 MAC far ya da 5 far + 1 allik sigabilen kucuk Z paletlerden edindim birde.
Eyeshadows: I have picked out mainly MAC eyeshadows (the ones in the Z palette are all MAC) both because I love them and they take nearly no space. Colors are Phloof!, Wedge, Woodwinked, Mythology, Twinks. Burberry Pale Barley and Maybelline Color Tattoo in Bad to the Bronze made the cut as well. For base, I have MAC paint pot in Nubile.
Farlar: Yine cogunlukla MAC'ten hem cok sevdigim icin hemde kutularinda olmadiklari ve neredeyse hic yer tutmayacaklari icin. Sectigim renkler: Phloof!, Wedge, Woodwinked, Mythology ve Twinks. Ayrica son zamanlarda resmen bagimli oldugum Burberry Pale Barley ve Maybelline Color Tattoo Bad to the Bronze'da cantamda. Baz olarakta vazgecilmezim olan Nubile paint pot.
Eyeliner: I like a good smudged eyeliner during summer and I have just the perfect eyeliner for that. The Sue Devitt eye intensifier pencil in Kenya. For variety I'm taking my Korres black pencil eyeliner too.
Goz Kalemi: Yazin dagitilmis kalemi seviyorum ben. Onun icinde Sue Devitt Kenya rengindeki eye intensifier kalemim ideal. Ayrica ne olur ne olmaz diye birde siyah kalem aliyorum, o da Korres'den.
Farlar: Yine cogunlukla MAC'ten hem cok sevdigim icin hemde kutularinda olmadiklari ve neredeyse hic yer tutmayacaklari icin. Sectigim renkler: Phloof!, Wedge, Woodwinked, Mythology ve Twinks. Ayrica son zamanlarda resmen bagimli oldugum Burberry Pale Barley ve Maybelline Color Tattoo Bad to the Bronze'da cantamda. Baz olarakta vazgecilmezim olan Nubile paint pot.
Eyeliner: I like a good smudged eyeliner during summer and I have just the perfect eyeliner for that. The Sue Devitt eye intensifier pencil in Kenya. For variety I'm taking my Korres black pencil eyeliner too.
Goz Kalemi: Yazin dagitilmis kalemi seviyorum ben. Onun icinde Sue Devitt Kenya rengindeki eye intensifier kalemim ideal. Ayrica ne olur ne olmaz diye birde siyah kalem aliyorum, o da Korres'den.
Mascara: is of course a must-have. I don't wear any makeup to the beach so I won't be needing a waterproof one. I'm just taking my good ol' L'oreal Voluminous.
Maskara: Plaja giderken makyaj yapmak hic adetim olmadigindan waterproof maskara almak icin sebep gormedim. Sadece en cok sevdigim ve yillardir kullandigim L'oreal Voluminous.
Maskara: Plaja giderken makyaj yapmak hic adetim olmadigindan waterproof maskara almak icin sebep gormedim. Sadece en cok sevdigim ve yillardir kullandigim L'oreal Voluminous.
Lipsticks: I decided to go for some trusted all time favorites. Lipsticks I chose are Revlon Lip butter in sweetheart and MAC Hue. For a peachier lip, I will be taking Revlon Kissable Lip Stain in Charm.
Rujlar: Gelelim rujlara...onlarin sayisinida ikiye indirmeyi basardim. MAC Hue ve Revlon Sweetheart lip butter'in yeterli olacagini dusunuyorum. Rujla balm karisimi olan Revlon Charm'imda bizimle.
Lipglosses etc.: Again I'm only taking 2 and they are YSL Gloss Pur #2 and Clarins Natural Lip Perfector #2. Of course my EOS lip balm is coming with me too!
Parlaticilar: Ne hikmetse hep ikilerden gitmisim...2 tanede lipgloss! Onlarda YSL Gloss Pur #2 ve Clarins natural lip perfector #2 (Renklerin isimlerinde dahi 2 var!) Tabii ki EOS lip balmimda benimle geliyor!
For brushes, I am using the pretty brushroll the lovely Bubblegarm has gifted me. I love how perfect this brushroll is, it fits all my essentials and it happened to fit perfectly in this Muji bag!
Fircalarim icin sevgili Bubblegarm'in bana hediye ettigi firca cantasini kullaniyorum. Ihtiyacim olan butun fircalarimi icine sigdirabiliyorum ayrica bu Muji cantanin icinede sanki bu canta icin yapilmis gibi sigiverdi :)
What do you think, have I done a good job packing light?
Sizce cantam nasil olmus?
ohhh i didn't know muji had such a pretty makeup pouch. You packed very well!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this post a lot. Peeking through other girls' makeup bags makes me happy ;)
ReplyDeleteI think the contents of your bag are fine, there's definitely variety in there but not too much to classify it as over-packing!
nice! i'm going away to the cottage this weekend and i need to think about what makeup i'd like to bring. x
nasil guzel bir blogmus bu yahu:) bayildim<3
ReplyDeleteOooh. Nice packing, I love my whole make up collection so it would take me a while to narrow it down like that :( I'd feel like I'm letting my other make up down. lol. & may I say, that Turkish is such a beautiful language? I don't understand a word (maybe a few) but I absolutely love the culture. Ahh, so wonderful :)
ReplyDeleteHello, I found your blog from a friend and I went to visit! I loved your post and I am going to stay on top of all the news!
ReplyDeleteI hope my blog:
If you want to follow me I'll be very happy! ♥ hugs
Instangram @pathyamorinha
ReplyDeleteÇok uzaklardan Bella Bamba' ya olan sevgini duyduk. İlgin için teşekkür etmek istedik. :) Bene-Sevgiler...
Benefit Cosmetics Turkey
canim ben de Turkiye'ye gidiyorum ve su anda makyaj malzemesi olayina girismistim:) cok yardimci oldu bu post:)