Hot Chicago weather just hasn't allowed me to wear makeup as I would have liked in July. True, I don't spend the entire day walking under the sun but even going in and out of air-conditioned places is enough to make me feel uncomfortable wearing much makeup. For the most part I reached for my beloved Garnier BB cream for face (it's so light, airy and perfect for hot and humid weather - which I won't include in this monthly favorites post because I am sure you already had enough of it) and light sweep of bronzer and blush, some no-fuss eye shadows and mascara. However, I did discover some other amazing both makeup non-makeup items in July and they all quickly became favorites...
Chicago sicaklari Temmuz ayinda diledigim gibi makyaj yapmama bir turlu izin vermedi. Evet butun gunu gunesin altinda yuruyerek gecirmiyorum ama klimali ortamlara girip cikmak bile yuzumde fazla makyajla beni rahatsiz etmeye yetti. Temmuz ayi makyaj bakimindan benim icin Garnier BB kremim, azicik bronzlastirici ve allik, kolaylikla surulebilecek farlar ve maskaradan ibaretti. Temmuz ayi icinde hizla favorilerim arasina girmis olan birkac yeni urunde oldu...

Simple Exfoliating Facial Wipes
These wipes are hyped up like they are the best of the best so I had to see for myself. I think they are great wipes! There is an exfoliating side as well as a normal side. They do an amazing job removing makeup but it can be a little difficult for them to completely remove eye makeup, especially waterproof mascara. I love that they have no scent and they leave my skin feeling and looking squeaky clean.
Bu makyaj temizleyici mendiller o kadar cok konusulduki artik denemek zorunda kaldim. Bir tarafi sanki peeling etkisi yaratan bir yapida, diger tarafi ise normal olan bu mendiller yuz makyajini cikarmakta basarili. Ancak waterproof maskarayi cikarmakta biraz zorlaniyorum bu mendillerle. Kokusuz olusu ve kullanimdan sonra geride yumusacik bir cilt biraksi hosuma gitti.
MoroccanOil Treatment
Caudalie Beauty Elixir
not someone who has or enjoys for that matter too many skincare
products. But I still somehow find myself looking for new products.
Skincare is a whole another obsession in itself, seriously. I have also
been an on again off again type of toner (and the like) user. Sometimes I
feel like toners do nothing, other times I think they are heaven-sent.
While this Caudalie beauty elixir isn't exactly a toner, it does a very
similar job as one. I use it right after cleansing my face and before
applying moisturizer. My skin does feel smoother since I have began
using it earlier this month. I love its tea tree/peppermint scent.
cok cilt bakim urunum var ne de olsun isterim. O kadar
kalabaliga ne gerek var, bosuna yer tutuyorlar. Bunu derim, sonrada
surekli yeni cilt bakimi urunleri arayisi icinde bulurum kendimi. Bu da
zaten kendi basina bir hastalik. Tonik benim icin bir kullanip bir
kullanmadigim bir urundur. Bazen gercekten ise yaradigini bazense para kaybi oldugunu dusunurum. Su siralar, bu Caudalie guzellik iksiri her
ne kadar tonik olarak satilmasada, tonikle ayni gorevi gordugunu dusunuyorum. Yuzumu temizledikten sonra ve nemlendiricimi surmeden
hemen once yuzume fis fis ve cildim daha yumusak! Cay agaci yagi ve nane
karisimi kokusunuda cok begendim!
MoroccanOil Treatment
had been a long time user of Argan oil but always had MoroccanOil in the back of my head. All the blog posts and
vlogs mentioning MoroccanOil products made me want to try it so much
more. I go to a hair salon which uses their products. So in my
last trip to the salon few weeks ago, I decided to get the sample/travel
size to try out. It's a great oil and definitely comparable to the
Agadir Argan Oil I had previously used. I can feel my hair much
smoother, softer and conditioned already! I don't think one is better than the other though, they're equally good.
Argan yagi kullanan ben hep Moroccan yagini denemek istemisimdir. O
kadar konusuldu ki istemesemde eninde sonunda deneyecektim bir gun.
Birkac hafta once Moroccan yagi urunlerini kullanan kuaforume
gittigimde, gun bugundur dedim ve denemelik en kucuk boyunu aldim. Argan
yagiyla arasinda pek bir fark goremedim acikcasi. Ikiside cok iyi, saci
gercekten yumusatan ve nemlendiren yaglar.

Revlon Photo Ready Perfecting Primer
I have only used 2 primers in my entire life, Smashbox Photo Finish and NARS Pore-refining primer. Neither one of them proved they were worthy of a repurchase so I continued without a primer for a very long time. You may already know that Revlon Photo Ready Foundation is my absolute favorite foundation and have been pretty much since it came out. Expecting an equally good performance, I decided to give it a go. I can clearly see a difference in my pores when using this primer layered under my foundation. My pores aren't really large but who likes to see even the slightest look of pores no matter what size they are? This primer is definitely a keeper, worth to check out if you're looking for one!
Hic bir zaman fondoten bazi kullanan biri olmadim, hatta hayatimda 2 tane baz denemisimdir biri Smashbox Photo Finish digeri ise NARS Pore-refining. Ikiside benim icin pek birsey yapmadiklari icin tekrar satin almaya degmediklerini dusunmustum. Belki bilenleriniz vardir, ben tam bir Revlon Photo Ready muptelasiyim. Haliyle bir baska Photo Ready urunu olan bu fondoten bazindan beklentilerim oldukca yuksekti. Revlon yine yuzumu kara cikarmadi. Bu baz sayesinde gozeneklerim neredeyse hic gorunmuyor diyebilirim. Aslinda benim gozeneklerim oyle buyukte degil, ama yinede kucuk buyuk ne farkeder, goruntusu hos degil.
Burberry Pale Barley & Urban Decay Darkhorse
For the past few months, I have been seriously amazed by the Naked palette which I have neglected for a very long time. It took me a second to recognize the power and beauty of this palette. Better late than never. Lately my favorite crease shade has been Darkhorse. It looks beautiful with Pale Barley swept all over the lid which has been my favorite lid color since I purchased it few months ago. Don't be surprised if I hit pan on this beaute soon!
Naked paleti herkes hakkinda konusuyor diye alan, aslinda onceleri o kadarda onemli bir palet olmadigini dusunen ben son birkac aydir kendisine iyice dadanmis durumdayim. Son zamanlarda Naked'den favori rengim Darkhorse. Burberry Pale Barley'i tum goz kapagina uyguladiktan sonra Darkhorse'u goz cukurunda kullaniyorum. Sabah ya da aksam icin bana gore gayet uygun iki renk. Bu kombinasyonunun hastasiyim diyebilirim!

Prestige My Blackest Lashes
My curious mind always wondered if My Blackest Lashes could even compare to my HG mascara,
L'oreal Voluminous. Well, yes and no. It's definitely volumizing, curling and
lengthening but in my case (and I do already have long,black lashes)
compared to Voluminous it takes so many more coats to achieve the look I
get with using Voluminous. Other than that, it's a good mascara. I have not experienced any flaking or smudging at all. I think it does a great job holding the curl throughout the day.
Hep My Blackest Lashes'i benim en sevdigim maskaram L'oreal Voluminous ile kiyaslamayi hayal edip durmustum. Sonunda dayanamadim, kendi
gozlerimle gormek istedim aradaki farki. Kirpikleri uzatmakta, kivirmakta ve hacim
vermekte basarili. Sonuclar birbirine oldukca benziyor ancak
Voluminous'in yarattigi etkiyi My Blackest Lashes ile yakalayabilmek
icin cok daha fazla kat surmek gerekiyor. Onun disinda gayet iyi bir
maskara. Kesinlikle akma, bulasma yasamadim.

Essie Topless and Barefoot + A Cut Above
I always love a good nude manicure and for that you just can't go wrong with Essie's Topless and Barefoot. I seriously think it's the queen of all nude nail polishes out there. To jazz it up a little, I use A Cut Above on the accent nail of my choice, sometimes ring or index. I also like to use it just on tips.
Nude manikuru her zaman cok sevmisimdir ve bunun icin Essie'nin Topless & Barefoot renginin ustune baska bir renk olmadigini dusunuyorum. Nude ojelerin kralicesi bence! Ama tabiki sadelikle uzaktan yakindan alakasi olmayan ben bu manikure baska birsey eklemeden yapamam. Bu is icinde yine Essie'nin A Cut Above simli ojesini cok seviyorum. Bazen yuzuk ya da isaret parmagimda kullaniyorum renk katsin diye bazende sirf uclarda. Seviyorum bu ikiliyi!
Great Faves! ^_^
ReplyDeleteGreat favorites, love!
ReplyDeleteI've been really curious about the Revlon primer.
It's great to hear it's one of your faves.
Thanks for sharing!
LOVELY favorites Ebru. I've only managed to get my hands on the Naked Palette March of 2012 but I already can't imagine my life without it. Darkhorse is such a stunning shade isn't? It's one of my faves from the Naked Palette. I love wearing Buck all over the lids, Smog for my crease and Darkhorse as my outer v shade. Have you tried this combo? It's gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteReally want to try the Caudalie Beauty Elixir as I have read so many good reviews about it. The Revlon Primer sounds promising the look of the essie polishes.
ps I really really want Pale Barley. Basically I really love your picks. You have great taste Ebru. :)
I looove this post!
ReplyDeleteGreat faves! I'm from Chgo as well, and I pretty much started my July Faves with the same opener as you did! ITS BEEN CRAZY HOT OUT HERE! Anyhoo, I recently picked up the L'Oreal Eversleek Precious Oil Treat and I'm LOVING IT! Great alternative to the high end brands! Lastly, I recently did a review on the Revlon Photoready face primer and just like you (I have oily skin as well) I gave up on primers years ago! Ran into this one and I couldn't be any more pleased with the perform of it! Def a staple/repurchase for me! Thanks for sharing! Great Read! -Leslie
ReplyDeleteI really love your blog, just discovered it and I read it all :P !
After reading your blog I am going to try the primer and morrocan oil. Your blog is very imformative.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your blog I am going to try the primer and morrocan oil. Your blog is very imformative.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to know that, thank you so much :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Deedee, I hope you like them as much as I do :)