
October Favorites

I don't know about you but I'm having a hard time believing it's already November eeeek! I actually kinda look forward to the ends of months because that's when I blog about my favorites and read/watch other people's - these are some of my favorite types of posts/videos :) Without further ado, here are my October faves!

Sizi bilmiyorum ama Kasim ayinda oldugumuza inanmakta zorluk cekiyorum ben! Aslinda ay sonlarini abirsizlikla bekliyorum (biraz) cunku ay sonu demek favoriler postu demek, hem yazmayi hemde diger bloggerlarinkilerini okumayi cok seviyorum :) Lafi daha fazla uzatmadan, iste Ekim ayi favorilerim!

  The Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Adore and Lip Butter in Red Velvet are new to my collection. Though it looks a little scary, Adore is an extremely wearable brick red. Red Velvet is a very rich, blue based, deep red which I find to be buildable. Onto some old faithfuls...First I have (yes, another Revlon product!) Carnation which is an opaque, medium, blue-based pink. Sure, it's not a typical lipstick shade for fall but I love it for fall anyway. MAC's pinky-beige Blankety also came out to play in October. It's been my most-reached-for nude lipstick all month. Lastly, I have MAC's Lovelorn which is a medium blue/pink. Due to its lustre finish it's semi-sheer thus making it more wearable.

Yeni oyuncaklarim Revlon Adore ve Red Velvet'a merhaba diyin. Adore paketinde koyu bir renk gibi gorunsede aslinda bildigimiz kiremit rengi. Red Velvet ise mavi alt tonlu koyu kirmizi. Eski favorilerimden ise yine bir Revlon ruju olan mavi alt tonlu pembe olan Carnation'a yeniden kavustum. Aslinda rengine bakilinca akla gelen mevsim yaz olan Carnation'i ben nedense sonbahar mevsimine cok yakistiriyorum. Son iki favorimde MAC'ten, Blankety ve Lovelorn. Lovelorn'un Lustre bitisinde olusunu ve dolayisiyla opak olmayisini seviyorum, gunluk kullanim icin super.

Revlon Adore, MAC Lovelorn, MAC Blankety, Revlon Carnation, Revlon Red Velvet

Fall was definitely on my cheeks in October with NARS Taj Mahal and NARS Lovejoy and theBalm Cabana Boy.

Sonbahar renkleri yanaklarimdan eksik olmadi Ekim ayinda. En cok NARS'in Taj Mahal ve Lovejoy'unu birde theBalm'in Cabana Boy isimli alligini surundum.

I have dug up two of my limited edition Wet n Wild palettes, Golden Goddess and Sugar Plum Fairy. Both palettes are perfect for fall! Of course, I couldn't conclude the eyeshadows part without a Burberry eyeshadow. Good news, I finally got over Pale Barley. I still do love it. I have, since, been obsessing over Midnight Brown. It's one of those rare colors you can wear on its own and it still looks beautiful.

Farlara goz atalim hemen. Wet n Wild'in gecen kis cikardigi ve limited edition olan Golden Goddess ve Sugar Plum Fairy altili paletleri epey kullandim. Tabii ki favorilerimde bir Burberry fari olmadan olmaz! Sonunda Pale Barley etkisinden kurtuldum. Simdide Midnight Brown'suz bir hayat dusunemez oldum. Isiltili koyu kahverengi ve icinde kucucuk rengarenk simleri olan, kendi basina bile sahane bir goz makyaji yaratabilen nadir farlardan biri bence.

Sephora by O.P.I. Traffic Stopper Copper, Nails Inc. Sloane Square, Essie Leading Lady, Orly Rage, Sephora by O.P.I On Stage, Zoya Mata Hari
I have reached for these pretties the most in October, it's pretty self-explanatory although I have to add that Nails Inc. Sloane Square is the easiest to remove nail polish I have ever experienced. I am not sure if this applies to all Nails Inc. glitter polishes as this was my first one.

Ekim ayi favori ojelerimde boyle, fazla soylenecek birsey yok. Ama sunu eklemeliyim ki, Nails Inc. in yukarida gordugunuz Sloane Square neredeyse tamamen simden olusan bu ojesi hayatimda gordugum cikarilmasi en kolay simli oje! Nails Inc.'in butun simli ojelerimi boyle acaba?!

Lastly, I have developed an enormous love for Bath and Body Works' new scent, Cashmere Glow. It has fall written all over it. The notes in this scent are vanilla, peach and musk. I personally don't pick up peach but vanilla and musk are definitely in it. I picked up the travel-sized trio in the cute packaging with gold bow 1. because I couldn't resist the bow and 2. because we're going on vacation next month, perfect! The individual one was free with a Bath and Body Works coupon.

Son favorim ise Bath and Body Works'un yeni kokusu Cashmere Glow. Bath and Body Works notalari: vanilya, seftali ve misk olarak belirtmis. Ben sahsen seftaliyi pek alamadim, daha cok vanilya ve misk gibi geldi. Seyahat boyu ucluyu almamin nedeni ise 1. Kutusu cok tatli, altin fiyonka bayildim, almazsam aklim kalirdi. 2. Onumuzdeki ay tatile gidiyoruz, cok isime yarayacak bu uclu! Ondeki tekli ise Bath and Body Works kuponuyla bedavaya geldi.


  1. Çok güzeller, beğenmediğim tek bir ürün bile yok aralarında! Güle güle kullan ve çok zevklisin Ebru

  2. I love Pale Barley :) best base shade ever

  3. taj mahal is absolutely gorgeous! thanks for sharing!

  4. JessicaGettingCheekyNovember 2, 2012 at 8:24 PM

    You have me so excited! I just ordered Essie Leading Lady and I can't wait for it to arrive ... your pictures make it look lovely.

    ♥ Jessica

  5. Love your favourites posts!!you really made my wish list even bigger!Want the golden goddes,Revlon Carnation,Casmhmere glow....omg hahaha

  6. I love all the colors! especially the wet n wild limited ones.


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