
Finished Products / June

I have finally finished enough products to do a post! I haven't been able to do these posts for the past several months as I was away and didn't have any products with me that I can actually use up. But now that I am back, it's all about finishing products! What you see below aren't the only products I have used up, these are just the more makeup related ones. If you want to see mini-reviews for haircare or body care products let me know and I will include them next time :)

Sonunda bir post hazirlayabilecek kadar urun bitirebildim! Epeydir bitirdigim urunler hakkinda yazamiyordum. Hem aylardir Turkiye'deydim hemde yanimdaki urunlerin hic biri oyle kolay kolay bitirilebilecek seyler degildi. Dondugumden beri bir an once bitsin diye uzerine yogunlastigim urunleri bitirdim sonunda. Tabii ki burada gordugunuzden daha fazla urun bitirdim ama bu post icin daha cok makyaj uzerine olanlari sectim. Eger sampuan, vucut bakimi urunleri vs. hakkinda mini reviewlar gormek istiyorsaniz haberim olsun bir daha ki yazimda onlarida dahil edeyim :)

Sonia Kashuk Eye Makeup Remover

If you don't already know, this amazing Sonia Kashuk eye makeup remover is my favorite of all time. I mention it every chance I get because I honestly think it's that great. I think this may be my 5th bottle - I lost count :) It gets every bit of eye makeup off, it doesn't leave any oily residue on face and is easily accessible at Target. The only drawback for some may be the price factor as it is $9.99 for the 4.75oz bottle. (You can find Sonia Kashuk coupons on Target's website most of the time) For comparison, Neutrogena eye makeup remover is approximately $5.99 for a 3.8oz bottle.

Eger bilmiyorsaniz hemen soyleyeyim, bu Sonia Kashuk goz makyaj temizleyicisi kesinlikle favorim. Sanirim bitirdigim 5. sise olabilir. Bu urun hakkinda soyleyecek negatif birsey bulamiyorum. Bir goz makyaj temizleyecisinde olmasi gereken hersey mevcut. Makyaji en kucuk zerrisine kadar cikarmakta ustune yok, cok nazik, geride yagli bir tabaka birakmayan ve de Target'tan cok kolayca temin edilebilecek sahane bir urun. 

MAC Fix+

Fix+ gets quite a bit of rave in the beauty world and I respect those of you that swear by it. However it doesn't seem to be working for me. I don't see or feel any kind of difference whether I set my makeup with it or not. On a happier note, I have found that Avene thermal spring water spray does a fantastic job for setting makeup which is what I use these days.

Guzellik dunyasinda epey sevilen Fix+ malesef benim icin pek tatmin edici olmadi. Makyajimi Fix+'la sabitlesemde sabitlemesemde pek bir fark goremiyorum. Ama fark yaratan baska bir urun buldum o da Avene thermal spring water spray, bu spreyle gun sonunda makyajim neredeyse sabah yaptigim gibi!

Revlon Photo Ready

Revlon Photo Ready has been my favorite drugstore foundation pretty much since it came out few years ago. It works wonderfully with my normal skin. It is a medium-full coverage foundation that photographs well in my opinion. I love the smooth, almost air-brushed finish it gives my skin. On my skin it lasts about 8-9 hours.

En sevdigim drugstore fondotenim olan Photo Ready normal cildimle cok iyi uyum sagliyor. Kapaticiligi orta derecede ve fotograflarda cok iyi ciktigini dusunuyorum. Bitisi ne cok mat ne de cok parlak, ikisinin ortasinda. Kaliciligi ise benim cildimde ortalama 8-9 saat.

L'oreal Voluminous

Voluminous has been my favorite mascara for years. I do occasionally feel adventurous and try out mascaras from other brands but always end up coming back to Voluminous. I find it to be lengthening and volumizing. It definitely holds the curl throughout the day without clumping or flaking. What else can I ask for!

Voluminous senelerdir favori maskaram. Arada bir maceraperstligim tutup baska markalarin maskaralarini denemiyor degilim ama her zaman donup dolasip Voluminous'a geri geliyorum. Kesinlikle akma, bulasma sorunu olmayan Voluminous'un kirpikleri uzun ve dolgun gostermekte ustune yok.

Maybelline Dream Smooth Mousse

This was my first Maybelline foundation. The main reason I wanted to try it out was because of its mousse consistency as I have never tried a foundation of that sort before. My favorite way to apply it is with a Sigma F80 flat kabuki brush which results in a flawless, velvety finish. It does feel a bit heavier on skin whether applied with a brush or fingers, so I don't really recommend it for summer. Because it's a medium-full coverage foundation, most of the time I can just skip the concealer step as it does a good job concealing as well. Another thing I love about it is that I never really have to set it with powder.

Dream Smooth Mousse ilk Maybelline fondotenimdi. Denemek istememdeki ana nedenlerden biri kremsi yapisiydi. Sigma F80 kabuki fircasiyla adeta harikalar yaratiyor diyebilirim. Yapisi biraz agir oldugu icin yaz icin tavsiye etmiyorum. Benim alisik oldugum fondotenlerden daha agir bir yapiya sahip oldugu ve kapaticiligi iyi oldugu icin Dream Smooth Mousse'u kullandigim zamanlarda kapaticiya ihtiyac duymuyorum. 


  1. Great list of products u finished two foundations!!! that's so hard >< I love the photoready too!! im not too sure why many ppl thought it was sparkly, but the mousse i tried those, too much heaviness for me.
    SK make up remover is my fave as well!!!
    MAC Fix plsu i love! i dont use it to really make my make up last longer ( bc that does not work) I apply it on my face before primer and whatever base I'm using and at the end my face looks really glowy and never too powdery or cakey
    LOVE IT!!!!
    Great list!

  2. this is a great bunch of products! I'm really intrigued by the maybelline foundation - I've heard a bunch of great things about it!

  3. I love empties posts like these. :) I'm currently trialling out MAC Fix+ too and I'm still uncertain about its promises. :P That makeup remover sounds amazing, pity it's not available in Australia! xx

  4. Great post!! I'm glad the Revlon PhotoReady works for you! It looks so ew on me, all shimmery and emphasises my dry patches! Oddly, when I see it on other girls', I can definitely tell which foundation it is because of the shimmers!

    I've heard alot about the Sonia Kashuk Make-Up Remover!!! Wished it was available in Aussie!


  5. I tried the maybelline foundation too but came to the same conclusion. It feels amazing and looks great but just feels too heavy... But I'm wondering what would happen if you would mix it with a moisturiser... Hmm :)

  6. i love the maybelline dream matte mousse! i recently used the one i purchased months ago and i am in love, it's so light and airy and it is soooo appreciated during the summer! and the best part is that it does a great job of keeping my face matte =)

  7. i love my photo ready foundation but it feels like ill never get through the entire thing! good for you for finishing yours!

  8. Ah I remember loving Maybelline DSM over winter 2010! It is so easy to apply however I found a compact didn't last me very long :/
    almost the same with the SK remover but it is so amazing that I'm willing to fork over the 10 bucks haha!

    Great post xx I need to do an empties, I have plenty of skincare products (pat on back :))

  9. Great Faves! I too love and use MAC Fix + and I kinda feel the way you do! I'm going to google the other product you mentioned! thanks! I recently did a two part Empties I've used up if your interested in reading! Thanks!

  10. If it'll make you feel any better, they were both more than half way finished :D I honestly don't see the shimmer in PR that everyone seems to hate. It's perfect for me :) See that's what I'm talking about, some people swear that it makes their makeup last!?! O.o

  11. Thanks Kelly! It does feel a little heavy and it's definitely not for summer but it's a good foundation and the fact that it conceals enough that you don't even need concealer is a plus!

  12. Me too, I love reading them and creating them :) Fix+ does absolutely nothing in terms of is to wishing all the currently unavailable brands in Australia make it there soon!

  13. Thanks! It's such a shame that it doesn't work for a lot of people, sorry it didn't work for you either...I honestly can't see any shimmer in it or on my face once I apply it, I actually find it to look quite natural on me :) Funny how one person can love a product so much and another can totally loathe it :)

  14. I have never thought about that but it's certainly worth a try, experiment time! Let me know if you try it!

  15. I have tried using it in the beginning of summer and it just felt so heavy on my face, happy it works for you during summer though :) It is very good at keeping face matte, one thing I love!

  16. This was my 3rd bottle :) It does take time and much longer if you have more than couple foundations on rotation...I usually only have 2 at a time, which makes it easier to finish :)

  17. Good job for finishing products! :) Mine took me quite a bit to finish especially because at the time I purchased this I had 3 other foundations on rotation! I agree though, there isn't so much product in the compact. Oh I don't even feel so bad for the $10 I spend on the SK remover especially considering how delicate the eye area is...I definitely don't want any redness or dryness there which I have sadly experienced with the Neutrogena one...

  18. Thanks Leslie! Good job for finishing all those products, it's definitely motivated me to be more persistent with my soon-to-be-finished products this month :D
