
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains

I have been bit by the Revlon balm stain bug! Revlon has surely been surprising us with their wonderful lip products this year. First, the amazing lip butters and now the balm stains. Both products have absolutely won my heart, I am wondering "what is next Revlon"? My expectations are high for their next breakthrough product as they have set the record pretty high up there.

Bu sene Revlon bizi sahane dudak urunleriyle sasirtmaya devam ediyor. Once benimde favorim olan lip butterlari simdi balm stainleri. Iki urunde resmen asik oldum! Bundan sonraki buluslari ne olacak gercekten cok merak ediyorum, beklentilerim oldukca yuksek! :)

To get all the 4 shades I wanted, I had to do some serious scouring. So if you're on the lookout for these stains, do not give up so soon. I bought Charm at Target couple weeks ago. Then every time I stopped by Target, all I have seen was an empty display for a week. Try your luck at Ulta, which is where I got the other 3 shades. (All Revlon cosmetics are currently bogo 50% off at Ulta! If you want to save a couple more bucks make sure to take advantage of that printable $3.50 off $10 purchase that's been floating around on the web) My Walgreens also had little "new products coming soon" signs in the Revlon section, which I am assuming is referring to these beauties!

Istedigim 4 rengi bulmak epeyce zamanimi aldi. Eger Amerika'daysaniz ve bu balm stainleri ariyorsaniz hemen vazgecmeyin. Charm'i 2 hafta once Target'ta tesadufen buldum. Ulta'ya muhakkak bir ugrayin derim, diger 3 rengide orada buldum. Malesef bu stainlerin Turkiye'ye gelip gelmeyecegi hakkinda hic bir bilgim yok. Ama umuyorum ki gelirler, cunku gercekten sahaneler!

Sweetheart, Rendezvous, Charm, Precious
These mint-scented balm stains come in twist up packaging. There are currently 12 shades available. They retail for $8.99 a pop at various drugstores and Ulta.

Hafif nane kokulu ve alttan cevirilerek acilan kalem seklindeler. Simdilik 12 renkte mevcut olan bu balm stainler Amerika capinda tum drugstore ve Ulta'da 8.99 dolara satiliyorlar.

Sweetheart, Rendezvous, Charm, Precious
As you can see from the swatches, Sweetheart and Rendezvous actually look like they could be swatches of really pigmented lipsticks. For what they are, they are marketed as 'balm stains', I think the pigmentation is just fabulous! Sweetheart is a bright hot pink and Rendezvous is a bright orange with a hint of coral. Precious, a pinky nude, looks almost identical to my skin tone when swatched. Charm is a pale peachy nude and while it shows up more peachy on hand swatches, both Charm and Precious look nearly identical on my lip swatches. In my case Precious does look a bit more nude on lips in person.

Swatchlarimdan da gordugunuz gibi Sweetheart ve Rendezvous sanki pigmentasyonu tavan yapmis iki ruj swatchi gibi duruyorlar. Balm stain olarak satilmalarina ragmen, bu iki renkteki pigmentasyon inanilmayacak derecede yuksek! Sweetheart cingene pembesi gibi canli bir pembe, Rendezvous ise icinde cok azicik mercan tonlari olan parlak bir turuncu. Precious pembemsi bir nude ve swatchlardaki gibi ten rengime cok yakin bir renk. Charm cok acik seftali tonlarinda bir nude olmasina ragmen Charm'da Precious'ta dudaklarima surdugumde hemen hemen ayni renkmis gibi duruyorlar. Gercek hayatta Precious'in biraz daha nude oldugunu dusunuyorum.

Precious, Rendezvous, Sweetheart, Charm
I find all of them to apply very smoothly, just like a lip balm. Texture is light and pleasant, not of a sticky nature at all. For the lighter shades, I suggest you prep lips beforehand to avoid the color to settle in cracks thus make lips look dry. I would say the glossy finish lasts about two hours. I am not really impressed by the stain power of Charm or Precious although I love the way these colors look when first applied. They are both easy to wear, everyday kind of colors. Rendezvous has a decent stain power, leaves a nice light orange tint and it lasts about 3-4 hours. Sweetheart is the most staining of all! It is the brightest shade of all 4 but I just didn't expect it to have this much power. I would say it lasts anywhere between 7-8 hours!

Butun renklerin uygulamasi oldukca kolay ve yumusak, lip balm gibiler. Parlakliklari asagi yukari 2 saat icinde azalmaya basliyor. Yapilari oldukca hafif ve hos, kesinlikle yapis yapis degiller. Acik renkler icin dudaklari onceden hazirlamanizi tavsiye ederim, boylece rengin dudak catlaklarina yerlesip dudaklarin olduklarindan kuru gorunmesini engellemis olursunuz. Acikcasi Charm ve Precious'un dudaklarimda yarattigi leke etkisinden etkilendigimi soyleyemeyecegim. Geride pek bir leke biraktiklari soylenemez. Ama yinede ilk surdugumde ikisinide cok begeniyorum. Her iki renkte kolaylikla surulebilecek gunluk tonlardalar. Rendezvous'nun leke gucu makul, 3-4 saat icinde dudaklarda goze batmayacak derecede hos, acik turuncu bir leke birakiyor. Sweetheart'a gelince, dudaklari tahmin ettigimden daha cok ve daha uzun lekeleyen bir renk, inanilir gibi degil! Evet bu 4 renk icinde en canli renk, ama gercekten bu kadar gucu olacagini tahmin etmemistim. Sweetheart, koyu/parlak ruj fobisi olan beni dahi epey etkiledi, lekesi rahat 7-8 saat etkisini koruyabiliyor!
Rendezvous 4 hours (saat), Sweetheart 7 hours (saat) later (sonra)
Sonuc olarak, tavsiye ediyormuyum? Kesinlikle! Bu balm stainler, rujlarini her birkac saat icinde tazelemekten usanmis kisiler icin ideal. Ayrica yaz icinde mukemmel olduklarini dusunuyorum, oldurucu sicaklarda en son dusunecegimiz seylerden biri ruj tazelemek. Boylece surup, unutup hala guzel gorunebiliriz :) Boyle bir arayis icindeyseniz, kesinlikte bir turlu bu balm stainlere ulasin derim!

What do you think about Revlon balm stains?
Revlon balm stainleri hakkinda ne dusunuyorsunuz?


  1. love your blog babe, defoo gona try some of this stuff out! please check out my own blog if you have some time to spare
    lots of love

  2. WOW these are gorgeous and like you said they sure swatch like a lipstick!

  3. I have 4 of these myself and I'm OBSESSED with them! Your swatches look awesome, by the way :D

  4. I'm eagerly anticipating the UK release of these but I don't think we will get all 12 shades :( I love the lip butters and I can't wait to try these stains. Sweetheart is beautiful!

  5. Beautiful swatches! I'm impressed at how well they wear. The time lapse shot was a wonderful idea. I'm loving the color of Charm :)

  6. Çok beğendim. Zaten genel olarak Revlonun ürünleri, fiyat-kalite performansında oldukça başarılı. Ancak Türkiyede yaşayan bir insan olarak, ne yazık ki bu ürünlerin Türkiyeye gelme gibi bir durumu yok. Çünkü Türkiyede Revlon yok malesef. Gratis mağazası The Balm ve Essence ürünlerini getirdi, bir umut Revlon'u da bekliyoruz. Eğer bir firma kafayı çalıştırırsa köşeyi dönecek. Çünkü resmen yağmalayacağız:))

  7. These sound so promising!! We still didnt recieve the lip butters her can u imagine??! So i dunno when we'll get these stains

  8. Great review! Love the shades of these. I think I have to order some of these online (Revlon is not available here where I live :( )

  9. I have been eyeing these, and for sure need to try at least one. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I tried these when they first came out and they just didn't work, I really wanted them to though. They look great on you! Great post!

    I just followed, follow back?
    I'd really appreciate it :)

  11. omg i have to have charm!!

  12. Omg these look gorgeous on you!! I need to get them

  13. Oh my...I hope these come out in singapore too!! They look so easy to wear and the shades are lovely! I'd pick up the more nude shades for everyday! Great photos!

  14. Great review love the lip swatches!! I too love them and did a review on my blog on them!

  15. I have two already, and have been debating a nude color. Based on your swatches I think Charm is it!

  16. Oooh!! I think I need Romantic and Charm (even if Charm doesn't last as long- that color looks fabulous)! I have Rendezvous and Honey and I really like the ease of use and the formula. :)

  17. Love these so much. Thanks for the lip swatches! I have Adore and Crush on my list next!

  18. Hey great blog post! I like these stains too! I may get daring and try sweetheart! Check out my blog:

  19. Is that the lips of Angelina Jolie? It is really gorgeous!

  20. wow these are so pigmented definitely need to get some!

    check out my new blog for me please and follow each other? :)


  21. It's hard not to be obsessed with them, some of the most amazing products to come from the drugstore! Thanks for your sweet compliment Tiffany :)

  22. I read that UK doesn't get all the shades but you guys get a couple shades that we don't get in the U.S. It's seriously so unfair that we don't all just get the same colors, why not! I hope you get your hands on them soon :)

  23. Thanks Dovey! :) Charm is great for everyday, I just wish it was a bit more pigmented!

  24. Revlon duy biziiiiii! Revlon gibi bir markanin Turkiye'de olmamasi gercekten inanilir gibi degil! Olsa, sanirim Amerika'dan sonra en cok satis yapan Turkiye olur! TheBalm'i Gratis'te gormustum, fiyatlarida ayni Amerika'daki fiyatlar gibi :) Internetten alisveris yasagi sacmaligida butun bunlarin uzerine tuz biber oldu resmen...

  25. Thank you! I hope you can find them online, they are totally worth it in my opinion ;)

  26. Thanks Vida, you need them for sure!

  27. Thanks Sharlynn, I hope they bring them to Singapore and you can get them soon :) They are very easy to wear, especially the lighter shades :)

  28. Wow, 'Sweetheart' looks amazing! I'm adding it to my wishlist, ha! xx

  29. It is :) It's the only real stain among the 4, this color seriously lasts let me tell you! Hope you like it ;)

  30. Should I get charm or precious?

  31. Both are very pretty, it depends on the look you're going for as well as your complexion. I personally like to wear Charm when I have darker eye makeup and Precious with lighter makeup. They are both pretty neutral shades in my opinion. A lot of people like Charm because it's a peachy nude, however it doesn't really show up as peachy nude on me but rather like a light barely there nude gloss.
